Regular Services at our Churches
You will receive a warm welcome at our services, we look forward to seeing you. Refreshments are served before and after most. Our family services usually have a craft area for children, based on the readings of the day.
The Church of St Augustine in Clutton is also open for private prayer every Sunday from 10am to 4pm (March-October). Please contact the Parish Office if you need more information 01761 451315
Sunday 22nd December - Service of the word 10.30am St Augustine Clutton
Tuesday 24th December - Midnight Communion 11.30pm St Augustine Clutton
Sunday 29th December - Benefice Service 10am Farmborough Church
Sunday 5th January - Family & Friends 10.30am St Barnabas Temple Cloud
Sunday 12th January - Holy Communion time 10.30am St Augustine Clutton
Sunday 19th January - Holy Communion 10.30am St Augustine Clutton
Sunday 26th January - Service of the Word 10.30am St Augustine Clutton