Our mission is to know God and to share his love with everyone by worshipping together and serving our community. Clutton with Cameley is a thriving Parish set on the edge of the Mendip hills between Bath, Wells and Bristol. We have a variety of services and events taking place regularly and look forward to meeting you and your family.
Safeguarding at Clutton with Cameley Churches
This parish, Clutton with Cameley, is committed to promote the wellbeing of all those who visit, work and worship here and takes the wellbeing and safety of the children, young people and vulnerable adults that attend our church very seriously. All members of the community need to be aware of potential risks to children, young people and vulnerable adults and know what action to take should they have concerns. If you wish to raise a safeguarding concern, please contact Brian Bailey our safeguarding officer on 07802 662282 or by email brianbailey50@hotmail.co.uk. Brian can provide you with a complete copy of the parish safeguarding policy if you would like to see it and a copy is on the noticeboard inside each Church. Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on 01749 685135 and find more information on their website: https://www.bathandwells.org.uk/diocese/safeguarding/